Policies and Info
These are my personal policies I have in place for my business.
Breaking these policies may result in not being booked in the future.
A $100 deposit is required prior to booking your appointment date and time. If I do not have your deposit on file, you do not have an appointment.
Deposits are non refundable. If you no call no show, cancel, reschedule more than once, or do not give 48 hours notice for a reschedule, you will lose your original deposit and you will have to put a new deposit down to reschedule if allowed.
Rescheduling requires a minimum 48 hour notice. If this is not met, you forfeit your deposit. If rescheduling, you will be sent the next available date. You may not reschedule to a date that is further than I am currently booking.
You may reschedule once and then you must put down a new deposit to reschedule a second time.
I DO NOT send you designs or show you designs prior to your appointment. No exceptions. You will see the design the day of your appointment unless you have chosen one of my “Wanna do” pieces. Time is always included for you to make simple changes. If this makes you uncomfortable please choose an artist that you trust.
I no longer do in person consultations. The purpose of my booking form is that it is extensive enough that someone coming from out of town can get their idea across. If you have any questions or concerns after you are chosen, please voice those in reply to the email containing the link to my deposit form before you pay the deposit.
If you would like to bring a guest with you to your tattoo appointment please limit it to 1 person. My booth doesn’t have much extra space if any so I prefer you come alone to your appointment. If someone does come with you, please let that person know not to ask for a tattoo at your appointment. Your appointment is for you only. It is not a consultation or walk in opportunity for them.
If you are feeling ill please do not come into the shop. Reschedules for illness are at my discretion.
I cannot tattoo you if you are pregnant or breast feeding. If you become pregnant prior to your appointment with me please let me know and your deposit will be refunded.
You must be 18 with a physical and valid picture ID to be tattooed. NO parental consent laws exist in SC.
I cannot tattoo anything neck and above. That is SC law.
I will not tattoo in only color or white ink. Nor will I tattoo the sides of fingers.
Starting January 2024 you will not be able to roll your deposit over to make another appointment unless we need more sessions to finish your current piece.
I have the right to refuse service so if you make me uncomfortable (extreme cases) or afraid I will notify you and send back your deposit or not book you in the future.
I cannot tattoo you if you are currently on antibiotics. Please let me know so I can get you rescheduled.